Other Scientific Activities(updated on May 13, 2021)

ICMI Affiliate Organizations

The following organizations are officially affiliated to ICMI. In the afternoon of July 14th one 120 minutes’ timeslot is reserved for the meetings of these organizations during ICME-14.

CIEAEM: International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching

ERME: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education

HPM: The International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics

ICTMA: The International Study Group for Mathematical Modelling and Applications

IOWME: The International Organization of Women and Mathematics Education

ISDDE: International Society for Design and Development in Education

MCG: The International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness

MERGA: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia

PME: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

ICMI Studies

A major ICMI programme is the series of ICMI Studies. This set of activities was launched in the mid-1980s and has acquired a growing importance and influence on the field. It contributes to a better understanding and resolution of the challenges that face multidisciplinary and culturally diverse research and development in mathematics education. Each Study focuses on a topic or issue of prominent current interest in mathematics education. Built around an international conference, it is directed towards the preparation of a published volume intended to promote and assist discussion and action at the international, regional or institutional level. Several ICMI studies, which have already held their study conference, will present their results at ICME-14.

National Presentations

A National Presentation is an activity during which representatives of a given country will make a presentation on the state and trends in mathematics education in that country. ICME-14 will give several countries the opportunity to present themselves.